The number of buses on California streets continues to grow to accommodate the state’s ever-increasing population, as well as year-round tourism. In correlation, the victims of bus accidents, from city buses to school buses, private charters to commercial buses, continue to rise. Often in a bus accident, multiple vehicles are involved, making finding fault complicated. Even so, finding fault is a necessary task, particularly when passengers and others are injured. If you have been injured in a bus accident, here’s what you need to know.
Following a Bus Accident
As with any vehicle collision, the first priority is to see that those who are injured get the medical attention they need. If you are among the injured, get medical attention. If you aren’t injured, try to help those who are. Getting the needed medical care decrease the change of permanent injury. Once treated for injuries, you’ll want to call on an experience accident attorney.
Who’s at Fault in a Bus Accident?
It can be difficult to determine fault in any vehicle crash and a bus accident is no different. The investigation begins by assessing the bus driver, determining whether he or she committed a traffic violation and as a result cause the crash.
In some instances, the bus driver is at fault, in others the fault lies with the driver of a passenger vehicle. If the driver of the bus is at fault, then not only is he or she a part of the insurance claim or subsequent lawsuit, but so is the company who owns the bus or hired the driver. In addition, bus companies and local government transit authorities have additional rules and regulation to which they must adhere.
Who’s at Fault in a School Bus Accident?

Millions of children ride a school bus daily, and while these vehicles are safe, an accident can happen at any time.
Unfortunately, school bus accidents happen throughout the school year, and while some are minor, other are serious.
The most common school bus accident occurs when children are exiting and their backpack, jacket, or other item prevents them from exiting completely. The driver pulls away, injuring the child. Another common accident involves drivers who refuse to obey traffic laws regarding stopping for school buses, resulting in children being injured by oncoming cars attempting to go around the bus. If your child has been injured in a school bus accident, you need to procure the services of an experienced personal injury attorney for help in protecting your family’s rights.
Who’s at Fault in a City Bus or Privately Owned Bus Accident?
City bus accidents as well as privately owned bus accidents can also happen at any time. In the case of a city bus, if a driver is at fault, then the city would also be held responsible as the employer. In the event of a privately-owned bus, transporting students for example, if the driver is at fault in the accident, the company who owns the bus as well as the school involved could also be liable.
Whenever a privately-owned bus is in an accident, if the bus driver is found at fault, the employer also becomes responsible for its employee’s conduct. If you have been involved in a bus accident, involving a city bus, a chartered bus, or a commercial bus, you should call on a well-qualified bus accident attorney to guide you through the complexities and protect your rights.
Call on The Barnes Firm
The expert, experienced attorneys at The Barnes Firm can help you get the compensation you deserve for property damage or personal injury from a bus accident. Call today for your free consultation.
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bus accidents